Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Pirates are evil eye-patched evildoers who commandeer crafts craftily. Pirates don't surf the web, they sail the seven seas! Every pirate's pirated copy of Pirates of the Caribbean proclaims that! Nay, these surfing pirates are merely profiteers! And profiteers must earn their moniker; they must make a profit! Profiteers cannot share their cinematic compilations, they must collect cash. Rash record rapscallions wrong reserved rabble with rash requirements of recompense! They demand repayment from those whose booty ne'er would fill their coffers. Parlay with me rapscallions! Non-profiteers add to ye profit! They ship their mateys maps to buried treasure! And their mateys virally ship it to their mateys. The booty increases with the number of mateys. Persecute the pirates and the profiteers and cease the hostilities to the reserved rabble!

Me apologies for the number o' exclamation points, but ye olde pirates exclaim in EXCLAMATIONS!

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