Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do People Really Want Privacy?

There has been talk about the right to privacy being implied by or added to the Constitution.  But I suppose like any other right, a person has the right to give it away.  A new site that launched last week,, allows users to automatically share information about what they are buying.  A user enters his credit card information and the world gets to know that he spent $23.45 on groceries. It is the financial equivalent of twitter.  There are serious disadvantages to this site.  Blippy's database of credit card numbers would become a sought after target for hackers. This tool could be used by cyber stalkers to  track their prey, govvernments to track individuals with interesting purchase records, and collections agencies to bother those behind on payments over every unnecessary purchase.  People may use this as just another way to flaunt their wealth, puff up their pride, and keep up with the Joneses.  And users are letting people look at their credit card statements! I grew up being taught that credit card statements were to be shredded before being thrown away-- not posted on the internet.  I hope people can prove me wrong.  I hope they want privacy and not Blippy.

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